By Unknown Wednesday, October 29, 2014 comparison is thief of joy fitness health self acceptance Stay Healthy Fitness The grass is not greener IF THE GRASS IS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE, CHANGE YOUR GLASSES Why do we get so caught up in what is happening on the other side of the fence? The grass is not greener and to believe it is requires a ch...
By Unknown Thursday, October 23, 2014 confidence Darla Leal feel sexy fit healthy I want a hot body look good naked over 50 fitness WANTING A HOT BODY IS NOT ALL ABOUT VANITY I want a hot body and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I believe that health and fitness play a large role in finding the fountai...
By Unknown Tuesday, October 21, 2014 exercise is cheap man's therapy feel better Fit at 50 reduce worry and stress stay healthy sweat more worry less WORRY LESS AND SWEAT MORE Sometimes we can get caught up in worrying about so much in this life, and even things that may never happen. Worry is definitely a thief o...
By Unknown Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Darla Leal Fit at 50 have regular sex sex and menopause Stay Healthy Fitness use it or lose it vaginal health WHEN IT COMES TO SEX AND MENOPAUSE, USE IT OR LOSE IT Let me clarify before I continue writing this article that my stance with sex is that it belongs and is a big part of a healthy marriage. Th...
By Unknown Monday, October 13, 2014 ad space giveaway just eat healthy quality food Stay Healthy Fitness stop counting calories success weight loss I COUNT QUALITY NOT CALORIES I stopped counting calories years ago, and simply made my focus on eating healthy quality “real” food each day. I like that motivational po...
By Unknown Wednesday, October 8, 2014 ad space boundaries are healthy giveaway learn how life love yourself respect yourself set boundaries Stay Healthy Fitness SET YOUR BOUNDARIES It took me many years through this journey of life to learn how to set boundaries and even what the heck that meant. Think of a boundary as ...