By Unknown Thursday, July 31, 2014 Darla Leal emotional exercise happiness health nutrition over 50 simple spiritual success HEALTHY AND FIT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE When it comes to getting a healthy fit body, it is not about making it complicated, extreme, and it is far from a science project. There ar...
By Unknown Monday, July 21, 2014 50+ Darla Leal dry vagina estrogen health hot flashes HRT low libido menopause relief symptoms MAD AT MENOPAUSE Just thinking about the title is bringing on a hot flash. I am mad at menopause and although I am excited about being in the 50 club, I am ...
By Unknown Tuesday, July 8, 2014 Darla Leal death grieving health loss of parent spiritual UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN This is such a difficult write and I have been away from my blog for several weeks spending time with my family, and my beautiful Mother-in-...